We can help protect your teeth from Grinding and clenching
Mouthguards are very important to people that have bruxism which is basically unconscious clenching or grinding of the teeth. I’ve seen cases where it’s been pretty bad over a short period of time and the bruxism appliance has been able to reduce it significantly. In the fact that most of the time when people have the bruxism issues is at sleeping time. When they go to bed and they’re not consciously aware that they’re doing. What the bite guard or bruxism appliance is able to do is protect their teeth with them not even realizing it. And it has saved quite a few people’s teeth and expense-wise of repairing the teeth that have been damaged through bruxism. So if you have woken up with either a sore joint or sore muscles in your jaw, then you’ve probably got bruxism going on. Just give us a call. We’ll be glad to give you an evaluation. Sometimes even people don’t even realize that they have the bruxism. That’s why it’s important to get recalls and for normal exams to allow us to evaluate whether you are grinding your teeth. Some people don’t even realize it.