If you intend to straighten uneven teeth, fix overcrowding and gaps, and correct problems with your bite, you should rely on us for your Suffolk, VA orthodontics. Your doctor at Lennon Dental Center has the experience, abilities, and training to supply the latest solutions tailored solely to your concerns and goals for a new smile.
After a comprehensive examination, we can consult with you about available orthodontic approaches and other services that can successfully straighten your teeth for easier dental care, a more pleasing, confident smile, and improved oral health. We offer two kinds of clear aligners: SureSmile and Reveal.
When compared to traditional metal braces, both of these systems offer some advantages:
- High-tech dental scanning creates your personalized aligner plan
- Precision-crafted aligners arrive from our dedicated laboratory
- Snug-fitting aligners that can be removed up to a few hours daily
- Regular transitions to new aligners as treatment progresses
- Flexible lifestyle integration since your aligners can be taken out for meals and dental care
- Smile transformation completed in around 12 months
With the completion of your orthodontic treatment, you can expect to have a more appealing smile and an easier time maintaining your oral health. You still need to brush and floss, but you should find that your daily dental hygiene is more effective when your teeth better aligned.
To make your smile look even better, you may want to consider some additional cosmetic solutions. Professional whitening can remove deep stains from your teeth, while veneers can fix chips and cracks on your teeth.
You will also want to keep up your regular dental checkups to keep your new smile as healthy as it can be for as long as possible. Professional cleanings and exams go a long way toward sustaining your new smile.
Call us now at 804-725-9485 or 804-776-9484, or for an examination to visit your Suffolk, VA orthodontics at Lennon Dental Center. Discover which of our advanced remedies is best for you!