You may not recognize it, but your child’s primary teeth are considerably important to their general oral wellness. Even though they’ll only have these teeth for a few years, keeping them healthy will certainly go a long way to the correct growth of their permanent teeth.
That’s why it’s so essential to get your baby started early with great oral hygiene and normal dental visits. The American Dental Association suggests that you bring your youngster in for their very first dental checkup within 6 months after their initial tooth shows up or by age 1.
This initial appointment will certainly give our team the opportunity to be familiar with you and your infant. We’ll take a fast at as well as count their teeth, plus we might do a quick cleaning on them. Then, we’ll go over with you the appropriate way to look after their teeth in your home. We might additionally provide dietary advice in addition to suggestions on feeding and thumb sucking to help your youngster prevent problems with their teeth and gum tissues.
We provide a number of types of children’s dental care that your child can take advantage of as they get older, consisting of:
- General Dental care— Routine examinations enable us to catch and deal with little problems quickly.
- Preventative Dentistry— Fluoride treatments and dental sealants assist prevent tooth cavities away to secure your little’s teeth.
- Restorative Dentistry— We give tooth dental fillings, silver diamine fluoride, and pediatric crowns to fix your kid’s teeth if required.
- Emergency Dental Care— Same-day emergency consultations are readily available to obtain your kid rapid aid.
Bring your child to your brand-new pediatric dentist in Norfolk, VA. Call Lennon Dental Center today at 804-725-9485 to schedule their appointment. You can also request an appointment online.